Bench Strength
Elizabeth J. McCarthy was appointed to the Denver Juvenile Court.
On the Move
Dr. Dorothy R. Auth joined Davis Graham & Stubbs as a partner in the Technology Transactions & Intellectual Property Group.
Kelly Schulten became a shareholder with Haddon, Morgan and Foreman, P.C.
CWBA Publications & History Committee Co-chair Victoria Kosobucki joined Polidori, Franklin, Monahan & Beattie, LLC as an associate.
Jennifer Edmunds joined Illumine Legal LLC.
Niceta Bradburn was promoted to partner with The Harris Law Firm.
Abigail Schwarz joined Kirch Rounds & Bowman PC as an associate.
Jessica Landay, Tamara Rigberg, and Kristine Roper joined Harper Hofer & Associates, LLC.
Kalen Hilliker is an associate with McGeady Becher, P.C.
Katherine Klein has joined Keller Rohrback L.L.P.’s Denver office.
Morgan Cali has been promoted to Senior Counsel at Coombe Curry Rich & Jarvis, where she practices in Civil Litigation and Construction Defect.
Mary Sue Greenleaf has been appointed to lead Sherman & Howard L.L.C.’s Construction group.
You Were Recognized
Ashley Balicki was recognized by Metro Volunteer Lawyers for 100+ hours of pro bono service.
Chelsea Ziegler was recognized by Metro Volunteer Lawyers for 50 hours of pro bono service.
Codi K. Cox was awarded the DBA Young Lawyer of the Year award.
Hon. Isabel Pallarés was awarded the DBA Judicial Excellence award.
Leading the Way
J. Ryann Peyton wrote “The Legal Profession’s Pyramid Scheme and Why It’s Worth Fixing” for the March issue of Colorado Lawyer.
Martine Ventello coauthored “Introducing ‘Redlines and Deadlines’: A New Series for New Lawyers” for the March issue of Colorado Lawyer.
Hon. Maria E. Berkenkotter authored “Seven Questions: A Tribute to Judge Kristy Martinez: October 24, 1969–February 21, 2023” for the April issue of Colorado Lawyer.
Martine Ventello coauthored “Redlines and Deadlines: So You’re a Lawyer—Now What?” for the May issue of Colorado Lawyer.
Abigail Kregor coauthored “The Organization Speaks: The Scope of Rule 30(b)(6), Recent Amendments to the Rule, and Considerations for Practitioners” for the June issue of Colorado Lawyer.
Karen Safran coauthored “The Business Judgment Rule and Common Interest Communities” for the June issue of Colorado Lawyer.